Register Your Business

The Giving Tree Wellness Center - Scranton, PA

Special Registrations

There is no general business license that all PA businesses are required to obtain.

Additionally, beyond the basic business registrations, not all businesses are required to obtain special registrations and/or licenses.  However, depending on your business activity you may need to seek additional registrations and/or licenses with one or more governmental agencies. For example, if you  perform home improvement contracting work, you will be required to obtain the Home Improvement Contractor’s (HIC) License through the PA Attorney General’s Office.  If you have questions about HIC registration requirement, visit the Contractor FAQ page or call the contractor helpline at 888.520.6680.

For assistance with whether your business activity requires special registrations and/or licenses, refer to our Federal, State, County, and Local Licensing Help Guide.  You can also find business licensing reference guides for various common business activities in the Business One-Stop Shop  Help Center.

Professional Licensing

If your business will provide a licensed professional service, you will need to verify with the appropriate Department of State Professional Licensing Board that your professional license is current and whether you have additional requirements through the board before registering your business.  Some professional boards require you to obtain board approval of your proposed business name prior to registering with the PA Department of State.

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